Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dearest K

Dearest K,



To me, I have this love hate relationship with doing ‘abstract’. The training of listening more to the suggestions given by the body, and not let the mind take over my movements is a tough one. We have always been told to ‘watch our every moves’, and to ‘think before we act’. Now, for this training, we were told to do otherwise. However, the transition was made nevertheless and soon, we find ourselves moving randomly, like maniacs let loose from our bondage, doing things that do not make much sense. Interestingly, it was this training that helped me shed a few inches off the waist. I will definitely recommend this exercise to anyone who have been trying to lose weight but to no avail, ‘abstract’ is the way to go. Apart from losing weight, I have also discovered ways to maneuver my body in ways I have never thought possible. It is truly amazing how much our minds have limited our body to the few movements and actions, and once we are free from that bondage, we can achieve so much more.

再来就是通过‘口技’(导演称之为sound abstract)来说故事,或是表现一个意象。这是我从来都没有接触过的特别训练。然而,它特别的地方就是让我发觉了自己所能够发出的声音,以及声音所能够带出的氛围与意象。记得有一次,我做跟咖啡店有关的声音为文扬的呈现作“现场”的音响效果,结果还意想不到的好。真是出人意料。

The presentations that we did, was a real test of our ability to churn out performances within the time limit, and with the conditions given. There is also the pressure to perform well, with depth, as the audience (fellow actors) will be there to critic and give opinions to help in improving one’s act. Through the many presentation, I was able to learn from the outstanding performances put up by my fellow actors, and grow in my capacity as a performer. The biggest take away from this training is learning that “less is more”, and how having small pockets of blanks in one’s performance will encourage the audience to participate more actively in the interpretation process.

K 这些训练都是之前我所没有接触过的,也让我打开了眼界。的确,我不但学了很多也觉得很好玩。我很喜欢在玩乐中,或是在欢乐愉快的环境中学习。如果你问我“好玩吗?”,我会毫不犹豫地说:“好玩!”。





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