Saturday, November 1, 2008

What is this thing that i'm feeling?

What is this that I am feeling?
The heaviness in my heart...
The breathlessness...

Anger I am not.
Definately not...

Its weird when emotions take control
Its not logical
But who am I to judge?

I guess...
Its alright...
To be rejected
Once in a while?



Anonymous said...

take care my friend and jiayou for the exams (not ur body k).
it's good to keep your smile on. :)

LoNeLy SoLoIsT said...

hahaha thnx bro!

this sem i wun make jokes abt u and saeing thanks fer helping me get better grades since u din reallie do a gd job at helping my grades last sem haha

Anonymous said...

ERM is that supposed to be suaning me???
eh u cannot be nice for even ONCE meh??
incorrigible lor!

LoNeLy SoLoIsT said...

i'll try lor...but wif u. its hard.
