Saturday, June 30, 2007


hope is a very beautiful thing.

i believe in one thing: as long as i should breathe. there is hope.

hopefully, i'd see you in my future.

the past doesn't equate the future.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dreams And BuLL...

please don't be "impressed" by me. till the day i accomplish my dreams, all is empty and cheap talk. talk is cheap they say, i don't like it too. i want to inspire people. i want to be a light for others. someone who can tell people of my generation that they have a choice. a choice to choose to be who they want to be, and not be one of the "ordinary". i want to tell people that "look at me! you can be like me too!"

i put myself to a test. i still don't know if i'd pass. but time will judge me.

like how i put my love on the line. time will tell if one is true or not. i guess...time did tell the truth?


Thursday, June 21, 2007


珍惜身旁的每一样事与物. 珍惜时间, 金钱, 朋友, 时机, 兄弟姐妹, 父母, 公婆....珍惜他/她/它.

不要等到失去了, 没有了, 得不到了才来后悔. 太迟了朋友....太迟了.

不要等到她不再珍惜你的时候才来惋惜. 太迟了.

记得: 珍惜.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Will you...

...wake up one day and find out that the angels have taken you from earth. you thought furiously why have you been taken from your sleep, from your prime of your youth. there's still so much to accomplish in life and yet, here you are --dead and already leading your afterlife. you run to God and shouted, "why Lord? why? have i really reached my limit? i've still so much left to do in my previous life. why did u take me away? why was there no warning prior to this?"


and you think to yourself, i can't believe it. does He mean...but i thought they were conmen! how would i have known? "no!!!!!!!!!!!!"
* * *
don't say i didn't warn you. i came. i did my best. and you turned me away from your elite uncaring face. showed me the door and tell me to stop my sales pitch. i bring forth great wisdom and knowledge that you never knew. i bring forth warnings and prophecies of the future. i told you...yes i did. but did you listen? no!!!! you chose you path to destruction! i don't feel a bit of regret for i have done all i could. you saw money more important than life itself. what more can i say? you spent all your life earning all that money. now you have to spend all that money on medical bills and therapy. how is it worth it? 没有钱万万不能,但钱不是万能的! 牺牲健康也许可以换来财富, 但财富不一定可以换取健康.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


爱,其实很玄. 也许你认为你懂得爱,其实你一点都不认识它. 不懂装懂只会侮辱了爱的真谛.

爱是神圣不可侵犯的. 就有如"性爱", "做爱" 等其实都是很美妙的行为,但现代都市人把它们给色情化,商业化,更是有辱爱情的定义.

"做爱"是非常浅白易懂的. 它也表示了"爱是必须付出行动的". 但切记!!! 是有了爱才付出的行动. 爱情不是滥爱. 爱是恒久的,不是"一夜情". 因此一个女生的矜持对每一的男人来说都是很重要的. 没有一个男人会不介意自己的老婆是被他人穿过的旧鞋. 但奇怪的是很多男人都想成为每个女生的"启蒙老师",为其"开封". 本人认为这是非常低贱的行为. 大家一同性开放那不就和禽兽没什么两样吗?

我不是圣人,当然也有堕落的时刻. 但我很清楚一点:爱是交心,不是肉体接触. 一个人和你在一起若只为了肌肤之亲,那我劝你早些远离他/她/它. 若你因他/她/它对你的性幻想而觉得自己很有姿色而继续堕落其中,那我只可以以"可悲"来形容了. 两个只为了亲密接触而结合的人在一起其实只是一种负相利用,肉体拨削的情欲发泄. 这叫爱吗?

"我爱你一生一世". 这句话说来容易做来难. 但我要你记住:本少爷若跟你说过这话,我绝不当儿戏! 但我很相信爱会随着时间而进化. 也许我不能以爱人的身份爱你但我能以朋友的身份来爱你. 不能爱你是因许多的原因. 有时原则太多反而让人烦恼. 但我希望在读这则篇章的你能记住我的话:说到做到--对于人生,对于爱情都是如此.

今日是昨日的未来. 今天成就明日,我们的未来从今天开始谱写! 做人要先知先觉--现知道将来要怎么样,为将来而做. 为自己的行为付出责任,对你的明天有所交代.

身旁拥着另一个她的他是不可能忠心,也绝不是一个懂得爱的人. 爱你的人不会每天把爱挂在嘴边. 爱你的人不用听也知道他的爱存在因他已付出了行动来爱你. "真爱无敌"是不变的真谛.

爱, 可以让一切都对了, 但不要滥用它,践踏,蹂躏它. 珍惜真正爱你的人. 用心去细偿他的爱,你不难发现爱情的微妙甜蜜比肉体情欲的满足来的甘甜奇妙.

爱是很玄的. 不要侮辱了它的真谛.

Friday, June 8, 2007

LeTtEr To U...ArSehO|e...

dear arsehole sng (or affectionately called YY by some. like whatever! -rolls eyes-),

thanks for all the accusations you've threw at me. thanks! really man! can't say i didn't learn a bit of SHIT from you. you have successfully bring "ARSEHOLE" to a whole new level! and gave a whole new meaning to the term "BASTARD". and thanks once again for letting me know and understand what "brotherhood" really mean. :)

i'd like to tell you that if i wanted to i could have sued you for illegal possession of others' properties or simply put -- theft. and also, according to the clause of the "terms and agreement of termination" you were supposed to return all properties, materials, brochures etc owned by the company or bearing the company's information at the point of termination. however, you failed to comply to that clause for like 3 freaking months? and you dare to threaten me? HELLO! wake up and smell the flowers dude! stop acting like a freaking small kid who's always running to hide behind mommy's skirt and cry when someone "bullies" you. stand up for yourself lah! what is this? you think you bring out your mom i scared ar?! come on man! she's neither the buyer nor the seller. so who in the world gave her the rights to speak AT ALL? tell her to shut her trap and listen! yes! LISTEN! if that's the last thing she should do, listen!

if you want a refund, please take a look at the top left hand corner of the invoice. it states "once sold not refundable". you think so easy get back money from others ar?! you think you demand this demand that can already? and please note once again that the sales was and still is under YOUR name MR SNG YY, acct no. 3180. and since you failed to return all properties in your possession, by legal terms, YOU were and still are the salesperson. not your father, your mother or even your great granduncle, yours truly, me! get that into you thick numb skull! get it! it's under YOUR name! and no! i was not there to make the sales, i was there to HELP you! understand?! and yes i was stupid to put "delivery after 3-4 weeks" when i fully know that it will only come after 2 months. though there were rumours of the goods coming in earlier i should have stuck to company policies and NOT give any privilege to anybody no matter if he/she/IT calls me "brother". i admit i am at fault for this and apologise. but i also clearly remember telling your uncle that by right it should only arrive 2 months later. don't bastard me and say it's not true. this was the practice then. and you fully know about it. so what is it about the goods not delivered on time? oh ya! i shot myself in the leg stupid me. stupid enough to want to fight for you to get to use it faster right? thanks again! i learnt not to bastard myself. :D

and yes, accusing me of bringing an old, used good for you. oh man! that's like the ultimate! why don't you ask how many people i've approached for a new one? and yes! i do have an old one prepared and ready to bastard you with. but did i? no i didn't and very obviously, old or new, you smell also know already. see also can tell. i could tell the difference so i gave up the bastardy act. and i took it as my responsibility when the goods are gonna be delayed since they'll only arrive in singapore on the friday itself. but at the same time i still have people i'm waiting for an answer for release of goods to me. and yes on friday itself someone brought one for me and, by right, it should have been at a right timing. but did you mom listen? no! she thinks she's "oh-so-smart" mouth rattering on and on like a machine gun. pity though. she's has such beauty but then again she proved that inner beauty is still one that i sought after. thanks to her, i've learnt a valuable lesson too! :P

and oh ya! regarding the money. sorry dude you won't be the one getting it. i'd send it to your uncle via mail. but you won't see me in office today. asking you down is just to bastard you that's all! haha...and yes. i do believe you have a bedpad at mean to say it wasn't delievered? explain yourself then. i can bastard you if i want to. take note! arsehole! dun assume everything and everyone is against you. you will think that others are bastard-ing you course that's exactly what you would do if given a chance. you speculate people's thinkings and moves according to what you'd have done exactly. so i can see how much of a bastard you are already. and i kept giving excuses on you behalf like "i don't believe he is like this. might be the mom kaypoh, don't know anything then want to talk so much..." sorry if i blamed your mom. fact is, she doesn't know a single shit and still talk so much! to me only ignorant people will do such thing. and she refuse to listen to explanations. need i say more?

to end it all, i really want you to disappear from my life permanently, like you know what "forever" means? ya, that's what i mean. get lost and disappear. period.

yours sincerely,
Mr Nice Guy. :)

Friday, June 1, 2007

i'm most richly blessed

Most richly blessed.

Sometimes i wonder when things go so wrong,
Has God forsaken and left me alone?
Then i remember through trials and distress
He's always there for me,
I'm most richly blessed.

I asked God for strength, that i might achieve.
I was made weak, that i might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health, that i might do greater things,
I was given infirmity, that i might do better things.
I asked for riches, that i might be happy,
I was given poverty, that i might be wise.

I asked for power, that i might have the praise of men,
I was given weakness, that i might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things, that i might enjoy life,
That i had hoped for, and almost despite myself,
My unspoken prayers were answered.

He's always there for me,
I'm most richly blessed.
