whoo~ can't believe it! i started another blog! haha was jus thinking how life kinda sucked and i wanted to blog about it and *poof*! here it it! now that i have a blog...i don't know what to blog about...let mi see...ok! i know what! i'll write a story...
Once, there was a boy who believed that when God created humans, He made them in pairs. He believed that there's someone out there who makes the other half of him. And with that belief, he started on his search for the "perfect girl".
He never quite found her till he met *her*. She was like an angel who descended into his life. For once he felt that there was hope in life, in love. But as he looked back at himself, compared to her, he was nothing. He's not the typical "tall, dark, handsome" hunk a girl would drool over. In fact he was "short, fat and ugly". Hence, though he thought he had found her, he never dared approached her. To him, she was perfect. Being talented and smart, she was also cute.
Everyday, he would wait to take a bus that would most probably cross her path and walk silently behind her from the bus stop to the traffic light and across the road. He takes soft silent steps so that she wouldn't hear him. And she never did.
For 2 years, he would silently admire her beauty from afar. He would walk pass the classrooms she was in just to have a peek at her. Though he would very much wanna know her name or even hear her voice, he never garnered enough courage to talk to her. During one of his performances he tried to throw a paper aeroplane in her direction hoping it'll get her attention but it never happened.
When the time came to leave the place that enabled him to lay eyes on her, he was sad. He promised himself never to look back. Never to think of her again. "Life goes on," he told himself. Time, he hope will heal all wounds. He used to think how foolish it is to feel hurt by someone who doesn't even know you. Now he knows how it feels. The pain of losing even before gaining. The pain of never getting to know her.
Sometimes, in the heart of the night, he would think to himself, "would things have been different if i live it again?".
Looking up at the cloudless starry night, he says out loud,"Goodnight girl, may we meet in dreamland tonight."
ok! how was it? good? i was trying to type in proper english and trying really hard not to use msn-language. hope you liked it! and i dedicate it to you...and ya happy new year!
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